here's a shot of the club while it's empty.
so we had a bit of a problem at the door due to a misunderstanding. we had email passes to get in free before 11pm (call me cheap but they charge $20 to get in and as Epitome would say "it's a recession." lol so if i can save me some money, gotdamit ima save me some money- so i can get more drunk. hehe) anyway we got there on time, one of the guys asks me what i have, looks at my passes and tells us to stand off to the side and wait to be checked in. so we do as we're told and slide off to the side. to make a long story short, the fool thought i was "special" as he put it, and assumed i was part of a VIP event or some shit. so he made us miss the cut off time, standing off to the side forever for no reason and the best they could do was give me free VIP and a complimentary drink, let us cut the line and charge my friends half price to get in. okay why give me VIP and not them? like ima really go up there without my friends. and it was YO fault we missed the cut off time so why cant they get in free too? hello? smh but whatever. we had a wonderful time regardless.

this is my neptune. she is gettin it. and you can't tell her shit. i loves her.


i was clearly in a zone.

this is all that was caught on camera. other fuckery includes:
a nigerian man trying to wife neptune in the club and steal her away to miami so she can be his consultant (?) and let him "take care of her." FOH. ah and some other dude kissed her on the mouth without warning.
we befriended a stranger named Tom (thanks to ki lol), who we called Todd all night.
someone kept calling me lady gaga :-/
we stayed til the lights came on and they had to remind us it was time to leave. twice i think.
drunk dude came up to me after the club and said (loud as hell) "YOU! are the reason i LOVE goth music!!" um really? and exactly who the fluck do you think i am sir? i was just like "okay." and crossed the street.
miss neptune's car got locked in the parking garage she paid to park in.
my man was too drunk and left early, went home, cooked a steak and passed out.
there was drunk dialing and talks of "period sex" but people will remain nameless in order to protect the not so innocent.
ki and i made it safely to my house, and ate my man's steak (hehe) she went off to my son's bed to sleep with spiderman (the blanket lol)
and i woke up the next morning to my man giving me a blank stare. cuz i was butt ass naked with my gloves on.
YAAAASSSSSS WORK IT HONEY! looks like you had lots of fun :D
Beautiful Cafe Au Lait Deluxe Woman! Happy B-day! Have fun!
**and i woke up the next morning to my man giving me a blank stare. cuz i was butt ass naked with my gloves on**
Sounds like you had a good time, just from that statement alone.
**and i woke up the next morning to my man giving me a blank stare. cuz i was butt ass naked with my gloves on**
This right where summed it all up. LOL
You did the damn thing! Cute outfit.
Loves that look on you, and I'm glad you had a GREAT TIME out!!
Lol@ the booty on the panda lol
Did I mention your legs are gorgeous?
@raethoven, mista jaycee, lil honey b: thank youuuuu!! i had so much fun!
@she needs & insatiable one: mannn... he looked at me and was like "so... lets talk about why u sleepin naked with gloves on. u think u michael jackson?" cuz we surely did not have sex lol i made a wack attempt at waking him up, realized i was probably too fucked up to be riding anything (n that he was too fucked up himself) n just took my drunk ass to sleep. so evidently i got naked n tried to seduce him with my gloves on for some reason. so yeah... he clowned me in the morning. FAIL @ me. lmao
@reese: aw thanks love! yeah i saw the panda n said "i WILL get me a dance with that mf before i leave." haha
Bella, GOT DAMN! I know I'm a pixie but girl you so tall if you did a cartwheel, you'd hit Jesus! HEY-OOOOO!
I am so, so, SO destroyed at the following:
"YOU! are the reason i LOVE goth music!!" This was funny to me on Twitter and I'm still cackling now.
Your man getting drunk, leaving, COOKING A STEAK, and going to sleep. The imagery of these sequence of events is too much for me to process, lmao!
I'm glad you had fun!
LMAO @ the Panda!! '
them shoes you had on were BAAAAAD!
Happy Belated :D
@gem: ha! yes i am a giant. u see that pic of me dancing with my honey? well he is 6'7" if that gives you any type of idea lol i was like 6'2" with those heels on!
oh how about this image of the steak... he wakes up thinking he's about to eat it- and its gone lmao
and thank you im glad i had fun too! doesn't happen very often lol
@thehoustongirl: i heart that panda haha and thank youuuuu! :D
for the dress alone, i heart you. it looks too hot. and the shoes are bangin.
looks like a crazy time. you and your man make a cute couple too. glad you had a great birthday.
aww thank you girl! *smooches* yeah it was crazy but in the most funnest way :)
I love Club Opera, it stays crunk lol! Happy Belated birfday and you did it right, birthdays at the club gotta be wild :)
lol happy belated bday. and that sounded like a night to remember lol. i'm glad u had fun
You betta work you sexy half-gothic/ half-lolita goddess...
Glad you had fun.
Looks like you had a real good time
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