Here are some pics :)
(pardon the order, I just uploaded them and left it at that lol)

I enjoyed myself, it was kinda weird getting dressed and undressed in a room full of like 100 people, male and female. Kept making sure to point my booty at a wall when I got undressed. At one point I had to change in the hallway backstage and I was just straight topless in a thong while people were dressing me and people running past me *eeek!* Soooo not accustomed to that type of shit. It was hectic and my feet hurt like a MUTHAFUCKA afterwards (I was there for 10 hours) but like I said, I had a good time. One of the designers I walked for (Jacka- designed the pink print halter dress) won 2nd Place and my Mom drove all the way down from NY to see me :) My Auntie also made a 3 hour drive up from south Georgia. Hoping to do some more in the future, in the meantime I'm in these books and working and getting my Super Mom on!
peace & love.
Giiirrrlll you got some hips on you!
You look like a natural, I'm loving that sea green-blue dress that looked real nice on you, well so did everything else!
thanks love! i have to give my children credit for the hips lol
Those hips are serious!
Omgawsh how fly must you be? Stankin ass. I'm loving your pics AND that attitude in the last two pics like "bitch what..yeah!".
But...Homeboy in that picture...OWWWWW lookit dat bootay and that accidental pose!
Ok I'm done..luh ya!
Glad you had fun. I hope it helps you get more shows and such. You look good
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