*cabbage patches in a circle*
I'll have to go to campus and take a few Saturday classes for what can't be covered online, but I can swing that. I go up there tomorrow to apply for financial aid.
*waves goodbye to marijuana* it's been real homie. *daps chest n sheds a tear*
Time to go make me a drank!
Well go-HEAD! Congrats.. you'll do fine... *does tootsie roll* hell you over there cabbage patchin'...lol First step to the journey is done- now git it girl.
yes bitch!!! congrats i told youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! get this school poping ton i minored in criminal justice and have mad books if you need let me know xoxox
Hell yea my nigga CONGRATS!!! get yo study on
remember what robin harris said to kid on house party 1 "get your mind on the BOOKS and not them GIRLS (boys for you)" LOLLLLL :D
good luck and all that I'm really happy for you
and shit i need to write a post on my blog since you brought up 86n the weed; im doing that also and made a promise to myself to not smoke ANYTHING the whole month of September (giving myself a reasonable time frame)
again congrats :D
Congrats! Now go ahead and take that criminal justice course. You already got the first lesson. No Weed!
@Nikki: thanks!! *does the wop next to you*
@NINA: yes mother nina, you did tell me it would work itself out :)
@thehoustongirl: THANK YOU! and be strong you can do it, i have faith in you!
@Mista Jaycee: gracias! im gonna miss the weed a lil bit tho i wont lie lol
Fuck the cabbage patch, you gotta do the Bump for this one. I am SOOOO proud of you. I know it will be hard and tiresome, but at least you can do it. You don't have to worry about a babysitter or anything. Go you girl! Get your degree and handle your business!
yes thank you!! shit or maybe i should do a split and do the PUMPS n a BUMP hahahaha
congrats girly! One thing tho, the aide is fucked up lol. Hopefully that's just here in cali. My sister is taking classes to get a nursing degree and she applied for aide. She got a letter that told her how much she would be getting and what not so she called up to the school yesterday and they told her to call back in a month because they don't have any funds for her. I was like WOW WTF! That makes lots of sense. So hopefully thats just a cali thing and not something that's going on everywhere cuz it's pretty shady.
yyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy im so excited for you!! wooo hooo. investigator bella!!
Fuck yea, we're gonna do the tootsie roll and the butterfly!!!! Uh-oh! that's old! Let me see you do the tootsie roll! Now it's my turn to say, "Getchyo edumacation on, girl!!" I love you.
YESSSSSSSSSS I LOVE IT! Proud of you Bells!!
Yay Bella!! woo-hoo!
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